Thursday, November 10, 2011

Immigration- Frontline Program

1. Illegal immigrants are high under Obama than Bush
2. Curran says 20% in jail are without immigrant documents
3. Goal is to report and remove criminal aliens
4. Many immigrants do not want to leave Mexico but are forced due to fear and circumstances
5. Less than 20% illegal immigrants carry out serious crimes
6. 400,000 deports is the target number
7. 36% of undocumented have families in US and lived in the US for over 11 years
8. 3 million were detains and brought to detention centers in the last decade
9. Texas has the largest detention center, holding 300,000
10. Some say restricting immigrants is doing more damage than help

1. Do they deport any immigrant noncriminals?
2. Is it fair to deport parents of young children?
3. Are simple crimes such as no turn sign necessary to deport?
4. If immigrants leaver there own country due to fear and come to the US with more fear of being deported, why do they move?
5. Does any other country have this problem? If so, how do they deal with it?

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