Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Constituent Letter

Dear Senator Casey,

Hello, my name is Emily Flaherty and I am currently a senior at Haverford High School. First, I would like to thank you for you willingness to serve the public. As a constituent of your district I respectfully ask you to support the S 174: Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention America Act.

This act would improve the American's health and reduce health care costs by changing our health care system toward prevention, wellness, and health promotion. Over 33.9% of adults and 19.6% of kids are obese in the US. This illness causes many diseases which causes our health insurance cost to rise. If this Bill is passed regulations will be placed for food labels and advertising to kids, and promoting exercise will be enacted. This will lower obesity, diseases, and the cost of our health insurance.

So with this being said, please support S 174: Healthy Lifestyles and Prevention America Act. I encourage you to introduce this bill to the House and pass S 174 into law. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Emily Flaherty


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