Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Questions and Facts/details learned from Frontline program

1. Why were they so secretive after 9/11? Wouldn't people find out eventually and make it worse?
2. Why was it called Greystone?
3. Why did the CIA go overseas first?
4. Why did they decide to build an overseas prison?
5. How did they determine who were the Al Queda leaders?
6. How did the American public find out and react to the war?
7. What is meant by "unconventional war" with Iraq?
8. What made this man search for all the secret government buildings in the US?
9. How do Americans react to secret buildings? Are enough Americans aware of this?
10. Is it even beneficial to have these agencies?

1. Plan for war began immediately after 9/11 occurred
2. Greystone- code name for Al Queda mission
3. War started within a week, CIA went before military
4. Worked with locals to minimize American footprint
5. Used enhanced integration techniques to get information
6. John Rizzo created prison system overseas which was a secret international building
7. NSA mission: prevent a future terrorist attack
8. War required information not tanks and guns
9. Secret world has grown after 9/11 (not revealed to public and scattered around US)
10. Billions of dollars going into these secret agencies

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