Sunday, September 11, 2011

What are some political issues I care about and why?

To be honest when I found out I was required to take this government course I was not too happy. Government doesn't quite interest me. Actually, no history related class interests me. However, after starting this class I began to realize government is always history. It is actually the present and tends affects my life everyday.

When I first thought of this question I had no idea what I was going to write about. I actually decided to start reading other students responses to this question. After reading one response, it made me realize that most students or really anyone seem to care about the issues that other people care about. People tend to care about issues that family or friends care about. Or most people care about issues that media cares about. This is completely true.

Media addresses issues which make people worry. But it really doesn't worry me because I do not seem to be affected by it directly. Media continues to stress our unemployment levels. This worries many especially those without jobs. At first it didn't seem to phase me cause I'm only a kid or a student not really looking for a job yet. Yet is the keyword. Soon I'll be deciding my future. Which consists of college, majors, and jobs. Since the unemployment rate is so high, I must chose my major wisely in order to be almost guaranteed a job.

I know there are many other political issues in the world. With this being said, I now realize how government affects my life. I know this class will help me be aware of government issues that affect me and will inspire me to keep up-to-date with these issues. Government will decide my future.

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