Friday, December 16, 2011

Electoral College Article

1. Daniel Lazare argues that the elctoral college is an undemocratic institution
2. Richard A Posner see more difficulties in abolishing the electoral college
3. The electoral college greatly influences the character of the parties, the nominating process, and the outcome of the presidential election
4. The smallest number of electoral votes a state may have is 3
5. The authors of the Constitution did not anticipate political parties and they beleved that many candidates would receive votes in each election. If no candidate received an electoral majority, the president would be chosen by the House of Representatives
6. In defense of the electoral college, its supporters point out that a straight popular vote would encourage minor party candidates, making the election of a plurality president, possibly even one with a relatively small percentage vote
7. It is said that just as "we the people" were powerless to do anything about slavery prior to the Civil war, "we the people" are now powerless to do away with an arrangement as patiently unfair as the Electoral College
8. For the first time in postwar history, the GOP had made a clean sweep, gaining control not just of the executive and legislative branches, but of the judiciary too
9. The electoral college is destined to remain on the books for a long as anyone can forsee
10. Ten states as of the year 2000 account for 54 percent of the population while ten others account for under 3 percent. such a contest would render more like rather than less the sort of split decision in which one candidate wins the popular votes and the other wins the electoral

1. At one point did states use electoral college of electors?
2. Was the electoral college ever question before the election of 2000?
3. Why isn't anyone taking action? This seems like all talk.
4. Are the majority of the people even aware of this controversy?
5. Has any legal action ever been taken?

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