Monday, December 5, 2011

President Research

George W. Bush


Lessons Learned:
1. Foreign Policy: U.S. has intervened more often in more countries farther from its own shores than has any power in modern history. Bush did so more brazenly and more recklessly than many of his predecessors, but he adhered to American tradition more than he broke with it.
- Obama said he'd stay away from the thoughts of foreign policy but he started to take ideas from Bush such as withdrawing troops slower than promised.
2. No Child Left Behind Policy
- Good idea by Bush but needs to be regulated more by new presidents
3. Bush came up with big ideas but no little plans on how to get there
- Upcoming presidents can use this example by finding the smaller plans to reach a bigger idea
4. Congressional Republicans turned their backs on the president, running in 2006 on an “all politics is local” platform. Bush didn't go to New Orleans to check out the situation he just flew over the city.
- New presidents should learn what the people want and not disappoint the majority like Bush did with Hurricane Katrina. Presidents should be someone the people can rely on and this action did not prove that.
5. Republicans were very disappointed with Bush for many reasons. He is known as the Republican who killed the Republican Party.Couldn't please his own party by trying to change the GOP and beign too conservative with immigration
- Presidents should try to please both parties ut particular their own.
6. Bush announced many promises and "missions accomplished" that he had to go back and restate. For example his overly optimistic statements about ending the war.
- Using this example, Presidents need to be overly careful with their words and not to get the peoples hopes up because it will eventually just backfire
7. Bush responded quickly to 9/11 pleasing the people
- Respond quickly and do something about it

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