Monday, December 5, 2011

Politcal Cartoon 4

1. Why is debt represented by a T-Rex?
2. Why are McCain and Obama watching?
3. What does the red container represent?


  1. I think that the debt is represented by T-Rex because debt is considered a large, scary, "old" subject, that has been present in our government for a while. T-Rex is an ironic icon to use for debt also, because dinosaurs are extinct, yet debt is present and has been for a long time. Unless this author thinks debt will go extinct soon (highly unlikely), it is ironic to use this picture. I think the T-Rex is more an icon representing how long debt has been present in our government, and how it is a dangerous thing that our presidents will have to deal with while in office.

    Do you think our debt will go "extinct" soon?

  2. Did you know that Schoolhouse Rock did that where they portray the National Debt as a dinosaur?
