Thursday, October 20, 2011

2000 Election Reading

Pre-Reading Questions
1. How do you determine if a recount is needed?
2. Has the candidate with the majority votes, ever lost the election or was this the first time?
3. Was there tension within the two Presidents during or after the recount?
4. Hope long does it take for an actual recount?
5. What is a butterfly ballot?

1. Counting the 2000 election, there has been four elections in which the winning candidate received fewer popular votes than his opponent.
2. The election was ended by a 5-4 vote in the Supreme Court.
3. 20,000 voters were legally disqualified
4. The butterfly ballot was where candidates names are in two columns and punch holes are in the middle which was use in Palm Beach.
5. The case of Romer vs. Evans created special voting rights for homosexuals.

Post-Reading Questions
1. What can or has government done to prevent this from happening again?
2. Why did the Supreme Court get involved?
3. Was it right that the Supreme Court got involved or should it have been left to the states?
4. How did they determine what counties to recount?
5. Should voting processes be nationalized or at least standard within a state?

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