Saturday, October 8, 2011

Federalist Program

1. Endangered Species Act (1973)- wolves were first to be restored
2. Idaho objected and though they should decide if the wolves should be restored; they felt threatened
3. They had no choice and were forced to make own laws to protect these species
4. 40% of crashes/deaths are cause by drunk drivers
5. Only 2 states including North Carolina objected a standard national blood alcohol level
6. .10 blood alcohol level compromise but can be challenged ( most states wanted .08)
7. Devolution- power shifts to states from national level
8. Clinton tried to shift social welfare to the stats since nothing was working to reduce poverty
9. National government gave states money to set up a plan and make decisions on welfare.
10. Stick approach- states must do what government says or else state funds would be set back

1. Should the citizens have a say in the Endangered Species restore?
2. Did people in Idaho ever consider moving to get away from the wolves?
3. If they do what Washington asked, will they really be awarded?
4. Should there be a Natioanl Blood Alcohol level? Why would one disagree?
5. When does the power shift to the states? Who decides?
6. How do the people react to the shift?
7. Is it ethical to "bribe" states?
8. What should be done by states and what should be done the national government?
9. Is there a state that is considered to have "the most" poor people?
10. What made government decide to suddenly help the poor?

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