Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Recount Film

1. How does this 'close call' not happen more often if they continue to assume?
2. Do they ever have to recount all states? Why or why not?
3. What does concede mean in government?
4. Has any other election come this close?
5. How will they get the recount done in 6 days?
6. Was Al Gore wrong from choosing most Democratic areas?
7. What is the 'butterfly ballot'?
8. Could Gore have actually won if the recount was extended more?
9. Do you think dimples or other confusing ballots should be counted?

1. Bush beat Gore by 0.03%
2. While care reviewed, recounts must stop
3. Two limited recounts were ordered: one requested by Al Gore, and the other ordered by the Florida Supreme Court
4. The two recounts were short-circuited by Florida county and state election officials and by the U.S. Supreme Court
5. Bush won when the U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5 to 4 ruling, agreed with his lawyers' contention that the counting should end.
6. Florida had to examine175,010 ballots in 67 counties
7. In response to this confusing election of 2000, the Help America Vote Act of 2002 was established.
8. It took 36 days to decide a winner.

Above is a picture of a newpaper showing the close election.

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