Thursday, October 6, 2011

Constitution Questions

1. Do you think it is good that the articles and amendments are written vaguely or should they be more specific?
I think that the Founding Fathers should have been more specific. I believe if they were more specific there wouldn't be as much controversy as there is today. Our country is based off this document and if it were more specific there would be less confusion. It also would not require any interpretations minimizing conflicts regarding laws. Lastly, a tenth amendment would not be necessary if it were to be more specific because the lines between state and natioanl governments would be clearly drawn and no implied laws would be present.

2. Did the founding fathers intend for the Constitution to last until today, or did they expect that it would be revised/rewritten?
I'm not exactly sure what the founding fathers intended but I'm sure they planned on keeping this document around for a long time. I do however think they did expect it to be revised overtime due to the fact that their laws were very vaguely written. I also argue that they couldn't expect this document to stay the same as time changes. I think they expected the framing of the Constitution to last until today but would expect slight changes to be made as necessary.

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