Sunday, October 30, 2011

West Wing Episode

1. Roe v Wade gave right to abortion
2. Executive Branch is carrying out process of appointing a new supreme court justice
3. Referenced a 9th circuit state court
4. Extensive background searches are needed for selection and appointment of a federal judge
5. The current judge wouldn't step down because the President wouldn't fill the seat with same party and views
6. President and others hoped the elder man would step down
7. President appointed a judge of his own party
8. Two vacancies could occur at some point of time
9. Mentions enumerated powers

1. Why is abortion such a big deal if it was legal? Can they legally judge her off of this?
2. Do they really go through all this trouble? Does it get this chaotic and intense?
3. If so, why don't they change this process?
4. Would they ever actually plan on someone dying or ask someone to resign?
5. How important is the judicial branch in our system? Why?

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