Friday, October 21, 2011

Health Care #2

After researching more, I realized a big question relating to health care was if everyone should receive the same health care. This would be a great thing for our country’s unity; however this cannot happen with how people are today. Some people work hard for their healthcare and others do not. This causes great controversy.

Some work long hard hours for health care. Some try to find long hard hours to work but have no luck. And some don’t try at all. These people who do not try are the reason today’s health care should not be standard for all people. These lazy people do not deserve the health care that people who work or try to work deserve.

So how do we determine who deserves health care? There really isn’t an answer for this right now which is why there are many debates about health care. There is no fair way to deal with this problem.

This idea of working for health care relates to my last post on health care about money. Would it be fair if people who work hard all their lives to pay higher taxes for health care that the lazy people without jobs paying nothing? There needs to be a line drawn between can’t get a job to not trying for a job. We need to determine how to do this. With America becoming lazier, it looks as if this standard health care for everyone will never be solved or if so not fair for all.

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