Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Common Good

This article related directly to my Health Care posts of last week. In my posts I discussed who would pay for health care and why this method would be unfair at times. In the article they discuss the cons of a common good. One of these cons included the “free-rider problem.” This problem is when the common good provides for all even for all those who choose not to do their part. In relation to health care, these would not be the people who could not get jobs but the people who refused and were lazy to even try.

After researching health care and reading this article, I think common good is almost impossible to reach. Many people have different morals or beliefs which blocks a common good from being established. There are too many obstacles to find and keep a common good with our country. Although I believe a common good could unite the nation, it just does not seem realistic to me.

Lastly, in regards to Madison, I think his idea of factions would hinder the idea of a common good. Since these groups have separate beliefs, common good would be nearly impossible to agree on.


  1. The "Common Good" essay caught my eye after reading some of the health care posts.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your viewpoint on the common good. It brought up many true issues, such that there are many obstacles to go around to reach a common good. I agree strongly that there are people in the world who do not do their part for their country, and that they are just lazy. This would affect a common good because the question would come up to why these people are receiving the benefits of a common good if they had no part in making it work? I also agree with your statement that a common good could unite a nation, for it would bring the people within a nation together. All in all, I think this is a convincing argument that a common good is unrealistic.
